Affiliate Program Open Question: What exactly is the group Al Qaeda currently?Al Qaeda, in my opinion, seems to be more of an ideology rather than an actual group anymore. The US has called groups throughout the world Al Qaeda just because they share the same ideology, like in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Northern Africa, Indonesia, I have heard today actually that Al Qaeda may be "moving into China" off of a news program, lots of small islands, India ( I believe), Lebanon (very loosely affiliated according to media sources), and Saudia Arabia as well as (I believe) other countries which I can't think of right now including countries in South America.
So, is Al Qaeda more of an ideology rather than an actual enemy? Does anyone really control Al Qaeda or are they all separated?
One final question:
If Al Qaeda is a separated group, than what would happen if Al Qaeda became unified in leadership and became like one force instead of many fractured forces?
Thanks for answering!
Question 128 dealing with what Al Qaeda actually is currently
Questions 20, 24, 34, 56, 83, and 94 have been deleted because they were numbered wrong, Sorry!!
Question 121 was a violation unfortunately
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